EuroPython 2011: Meet us in Florence
Jan Ulrich Hasecke
last modified
Aug 31, 2011 10:05 PM
These members of the PSF Python Brochure Team and Contact Scouts had attended the Europython 2011 conference in Florence, Italy.
If you had a meeting with us, you had seen the Lightning Talks or recognized the flyer, please feel free to contact us early with your material, even if we will follow up our list of new contacts in the upcoming weeks. If you have any questions about the brochure or if you can share information about interesting python projects with us, we are happy to answer.
Team Members and Contact Scouts
Jan Ulrich Hasecke |
Marc-André Lemburg | Armin Stross-Radschinski |
jan.ulrich[at] |
mal[at] |
a.stross-radschinski[at] |
Nate Aune | Fabio Pliger | Radomir Dopieralski | Patrick Gerken |
nate[at] | fabio.pliger[at] |
radomir.dopieralski[at] |
do3ccqrv[at] |