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Reference Entry Guidelines

by Armin C. Stross-Radschinski last modified Feb 11, 2014 08:01 PM
How to get listed in the Python Brochure as Python support or service company.

Please make sure to look at the Mediadata overview page for the general informations.

Only for Reference Sponsors

On the last page of the Python Brochure, we will list all reference sponsors of the edition using a fixed layout.

There is room for 30 such entries.

Please make sure, that the data in this register is up-to-date and correct!

Service-Provider Data Form

To be listed in the Python Brochure as a company providing Python-related services, product or support please use the form linked in the confirmation e-mail to provide the following details:

  • logo image
  • name and contact details of your company and
  • one single line service description

The deadline for order & data delivery will be 2014 February 28th. You will receive a confirmation e-mail to check your entry.

Logo File Format Guidelines

Data format specifications for the service-providers entry for the Python Brochure.

Vector Images (preferred format)

  • Please send the vector data converted to CMYK as EPS, SVG or PDF format; we cannot accept RGB data
  • Important: fonts have to be embedded (EPS, PDF) or converted into paths (EPS, PDF, SVG)!

Bitmap Images (suboptimal)

  • Acceptable format are JPG, PNG, TIFF, EPS, PSD, GIF
  • RGB is fine for bitmap files, but please be aware that we cannot guarantee for correct color reproduction.
  • Images have to use 300 DPI, with a minimum size of 800x400 pixels.
  • Low quality images will be printed as delivered.

Ordering Procedure

For the order you will be redirected to the secure SSL encrypted site hosted by our production partner evenios publishing. The terms & conditions and data privacy statement for the order are published on .

The payment is not processed by the PSF! You will receive an invoice issued by evenios publishing. Sponsoring is used directly to cover the production and distribution costs.

[ Order Your Reference Sponsorship Entry Now ]